How Does Tithing and Offering Work?
Tithing is the practice of giving a tenth of your income to the church to support the operations and mission of the church. This is one of the ways that Christians show their support for the church and express their love for God. Are you interested in supporting the church, but feel hesitation? In the late 1970’s into and through the 80’s, there was a phenomenon in television as pastors and preachers began hosting television shows and broadcasting sermons over the airwaves. It was the birth of what we call today, “televangelism”. And while there have been many good and noble efforts made to share the Good News about Jesus in the format of television, there have also been some regretful side effects of this phenomenon.
Finding the Truth about Tithes and Offering
One of the most commonly heard complaints to arise as a result of the evolution of missions outreach including televangelism is that the church just want my money. If you’re flipping through channels and you repeatedly hear a plea for donations to be sent to the ministry sending missionaries or producing and broadcasting the show, it sure may seem that way. And the truth is that there have been some televangelists or even local church pastors who seem to have placed an unhealthy and imbalanced emphasis on the need for and use of their audience’s money. But is it true? Does the church just want my money?
Why does the church ask for money?
What’s the deal with tithing and offering anyway? Well, churches, just like any other organisation, need funds to operate. Staff salaries, facility costs, local and foreign mission opportunities and a whole slew of other things that a church can be involved in require money. And the majority of every church’s budget comes from the donations of those who are a part of that Church.
What does the Bible say about tithing and offering?
Any good Bible study on financial stewardship will lead you to the conclusion that God is the owner of everything and we are merely managers. And while God does not give a clear prescription on how we ought to participate in funding the local church, we do clearly see in scripture the principle of generosity and the benefits of being someone who participates in God’s work in and through the local church. If you’ve got questions about how this all works and you’d like to take a deeper dive into what the Bible teaches about tithing and offering, I hope you’ll click to get connected.