Origin determines culture and nature. You are created by God in His image and likeness therefore you have the nature of God. Your DNA is of God and the attributes in you are expressed as the fruit the Spirit. Knowing your origin determines your identity because you cannot become what you don’t know.
“You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them (false prophets, teachers, anti-Christ), because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (emphasis is mine).
Knowledge of who you are in Christ determines your inheritance. You are from God and are a child of God in whom His Spirit dwells. God has brought the omnipotent power to you. There is no any other power that can conquer you because the Spirit has overcome the world within you.
It is this knowledge that will cause you to triumph over any false spirits of the enemy which seek to destroy, kill and rob the blessings that God has called you into. You are born of the Spirit of God and have overcome the world/opposition. (1 John 5:4).
I pray that you have a revelation and knowledge of who you have become in Christ. I pray that you understand the Power that exists in you by Christ. I declare an end to the negative and opposing situations in your life. I pray that the One in you breaks every chain holding you back. I pray that you are released into your destiny. I pray that you are set up for victory in your life, family, business, workplace and society.